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Essay - Technology Cannot Replace Manpower

Technology Cannot Replace Manpower

  • Technology has an important contribution to the progress of mankind. 
  • Technology can reduce manpower but cannot replace them completely. 
  • Technology and management both are needed for progress. 
  • Technology always needs technical expertise. 
  • Technology and manpower complement each other.
If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of hundred years, teach the people. 
We are living in a technology driven world. The technology has played an important role in the development of human civilisation. The electronic appliances, gadgets, faster modes of transportation have added to the comfort factor in our lives. Information technology has helped in improving the productivity of an individual. Science and technology has been successful in finding the cures for a different life-threatening diseases.
This has led to the increase in life expectancy and a considerable improvement in the health care sector. It is quite evident that technology has an important contribution to the progress that mankind has made over the years. But at the same time, we cannot deny the fact that the discovery of fire and invention of the wheel till the advent of smart phones, all are the outcome of man's intelligence and hard work.

All the credit of the advancements made in the fields of science, space, health, defence, and computers etc goes to the human mind. Technology can drive the machines and electronic gadgets but their proper execution is in the hands of human beings. 
Technology can reduce effort, time, and fuel, reduce the manpower requirement in every field but the complete replacement of manpower is not possible. The man has created and developed the technology hence no technology can be above the human beings. The biggest limitation of the technology is that it cannot evolve and upgrade itself. It requires the intervention of a human being for the same. The scientists and researchers are constantly engaged in the field of research and development to bring forth and uncover the unexplored areas.

The last decade has witnessed a boom of technological development in the IT sector. This development has created a large number of jobs in the field of e-commerce, social media, software, and hardware etc. The successful use and execution of the technology require skilled, capable and sufficient manpower which is efficient at its work.
Shortage of manpower can impede production, poor quality of manpower lead to loss of competitiveness, dissatisfied manpower can lead to lockouts and spurt in trade unionism and even social tensions. If manpower is not developed properly, it can also throttle research and development. 

It is true that in today's time the countries are judged on the basis of their technological development but the countries need to focus on the training and development of skilled manpower. It is because the skilled manpower forms the backbone of a technologically sound economy. The technological developments, the level of innovation are directly linked to the risk taking capabilities of the individuals.
The productivity of the individuals, organisations, and the nations is enhanced with the improvement in the technology. Machines do not have the capacity to plan and think beyond the instructions that are fed into their system. This is why it is not possible for them to substitute the human beings. Technology alone is not sufficient for realising the goals of progress and prosperity. Management is very important. This is true for both- nations as well as corporations. Management is a human act.
The man behind an idea and the man behind the machine are very important. Technology can support, it cannot supplant. The whole idea is not about the choice between using or not using technology. The challenge is to use it right. The nuclear power was used to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki but the same nuclear energy is used for the production of power. Human discretion and vision will always remain important and so will manpower.
Technology cannot stop wars or freedoms. It requires the interventions from the leaders of the involved countries. Technology cannot replace teachers. No smart classes can substitute for the personal touch, guidance, and care by the teachers. It is not possible for the technology to stop the natural calamities. Apparently, even the human force cannot do it.
All the above examples clearly depict that the technology is highly dependent on human intervention. There are some instances where technology seems to be a threat to the manpower. But the fact remains that both of them cannot substitute each other. Instead, they complement each other. Technology and man power need to go hand in hand for the development of mankind. Technology is an enhancer, a facilitator, but it cannot replace manpower.
Difficult Words with Meanings :
  • Intensive involving very great effort or work
  • Impede hinder
  • Throttle to prevent something from succeeding
  • Supplant replace
  • Discretion judgement
  • Mitigation reduction
  • Facilitator someone or something that makes the process easier


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